Art and Scientific Discovery in the 1700’s: Classical Era

Above is The Alchemist Discovering Phosphorus by Jospeh Wright of Derby originally completed in 1771, then reworked in 1795. The full title of the painting is The Alchemist, in Search of the Philosopher's Stone, Discovers Phosphorus, and prays for the successful Conclusion of his operation, as was the custom of the Ancient Chemical Astrologers. In this painting the alchemist is trying to produce the Philosopher's stone. This stone could turn metal into gold. During the process he discovers phosphorus. Hennig Brand, the person in the painting, spent days in his laboratory, heating a mixture of sand and charcoal with a tar-like substance produced by boiling down 1,200 gallons of urine over two weeks. Finally after many hours a white vapor formed and condensed into thick drops that was very bright. In this moment Brand discovers phosphorus, Brand called the substance phosphorus because it is the Latin term for things that give off light. Within decades of discovering phosph...