Post-Modern Art Influence on Pop Culture and Societal Issues


Above is an image called Marilyn Diptych, by Andy Warhol in 1962. Marilyn Diptych is made of two silver canvases then artist silkscreened a photograph of Marilyn Monroe fifty times. There is great symmetry used in this photograph. This was heavily influenced by pop culture. During this time society saw Marilyn as the most beautiful woman alive. Marilyn was a major pop icon. I have always remembered visiting the gigantic statue of Marilyn Monroe in Palm Springs. 

Above is a drawing done by Andy Warhol in 1962 called Coca-Cola. Andy Warhol was interested in popular culture, marketing, and advertising. Coca-Cola spoke on behalf of Andy Warhol when the painting sold for more than $57 million. “Warhol created one of the most iconic images, both for his own body of work but also for the 20th Century,” said Brett Gorvy, chairman and international head of post-war and contemporary art at Christie’s. “He concentrated on the Coca-Cola bottle because it was, and still is, one of the most popular and recognisable images in the world. He loved art which was fully democratic." I have always remember seeing this image when I was growing up. I feel that it is so popular and well known. 

I Shop Therefore I Am is the work of Barbara Kruger in 1987Kruger tries to imply with “I shop therefore I am” that the public is no longer defined by what it thinks, but rather by what they own. During the 1980s, society witnessed the “economic potential of working people and broadening markets, widening the availability of credit and stimulating homeownership and share ownership,” a change that seriously impacted how people consumed. The red creates attention in this image. The dark shadows on the hand as well as the light coming into the frame creates a great balance. Kruger pairs images with bold phrases that carry deep philosophical meaning, promoting viewers to look at them differently. 

Barbara Kruger has been a consistent, critical observer of the ways that images circulate through our culture for the past 40 years. Barbara uses big and bold words that surround the audience. To undermine and undercover the power dynamics of identity, desire, and consumerism. This has a very powerful effect as the words swarm the audience in the room. I think many people can relate differently to each word. 

A sculpture by Jeff Koons called Micheal Jackson and Bubbles, done in 1988. At this time Micheal Jackson was adored by fans and was seen like a god. In this sculpture his skin is smooth, he is surrounded by flowers, idealized in a way. Micheal is holding his pet Chimpanzee named Bubbles. The way Micheal and Bubbles are sitting is very pristine. The bright gold completes the vibe of the painting. 

Above is a sculpture by Jeff Koons called Bouquet of Tulips, done in Paris (2019). This sculpture was built in remembrance of the victims of the terrorist attacks that took place in 2015 and 2016. There are only eleven rather than a dozen flowers, the missing flower representing the lost victims. This sculpture is bright and is very unique. The balloons are very interesting as they appear pop-able. During this time terrorist attacks changed how our society runs today. 

Warhol Coca-Cola Painting Sells for $57.3 Million at Christie's Auction . Warhol Coca-Cola Painting Sells for $57.3 million. (n.d.). Retrieved July 25, 2022, from

Why artist Barbara Kruger is more relevant than ever. Galerie. (2017, November 17). Retrieved July 25, 2022, from

Publicdelivery. (2022, July 20). Jeff Koons controversial sculpture of Michael Jackson & bubbles. Public Delivery. Retrieved July 25, 2022, from


  1. This is the first time I've seen Barbara Kruger's work, and I really like her viewpoint! Consumerism being challenged by art is an interesting topic. I love her use of bold, dramatic fonts, and she puts her meaning straight in your face. Very interesting pieces. I also love the last piece of art you chose, Bouquet of Tulips, and agree they look like poppable balloon art.

  2. *I'm sorry I don't know how I accidentally posted anonymously the first time*
    This is the first time I've seen Barbara Kruger's work, and I really like her viewpoint! Consumerism being challenged by art is an interesting topic. I love her use of bold, dramatic fonts, and she puts her meaning straight in your face. Very interesting pieces. I also love the last piece of art you chose, Bouquet of Tulips, and agree they look like poppable balloon art.

  3. Barbara Kruger seems like a talented artist and I appreciate how her intentions are clearly seen in each work. I like how you combined various mediums in your blog! I think post-modern focused on the abilities art could achieve whereas previously it focused on individuals such as the rich or later the "commoners". Kruger and Warhol each focused on portraying common consumerism, but from a very artistic viewpoint.

  4. Hi Cati! Do you know how Andy Warhol's Coca Cola piece worked with Copyrights? Did Coca Cola commission him to make it or was it just such good advertising that they didn't care he used their logo? Crazy that it sold for over $57 million! Also, I think that the piece by Barbara Kruger "I shop therefore I am" is such a good example of how philosophy influenced and continues to influence art and the messages artists share. I love how she twisted Rene Descartes original phrase to share a new era of time in society.

  5. I really like pop art because of the bright, vibrant colors and the simplicity in the subject matter, like just a picture in different colors and variations. I know Any Warhol is very well known and you can see why. He has definitely left a legacy and is very recognizable. The Barbara Kruger pieces bring huge statements and is meant to get the viewer thinking. The sculptures by Jeff Kooning are really interesting to look at. They are kind of cartoony and fun but symbolize important meanings. For example, the “Bouquet of Tulips” for the terrorist attack victims was a very kind gesture towards the victims families.


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